
Union Square Farmer's Market

The Union Square farmer's market is one of my favorite places to visit in the City. The people watching is out of sight: some folks stroll through (especially tourists, families and caregivers with young children) and others race through at breakneck speed (like those who work in restaurants and have to quickly get specific ingredients back to the kitchen). 

The people who come to Union Square to sell their foods are uniformly friendly and willing to answer any questions. For example, I spoke with a cheese monger about why his cheeses were not organic. His animals are not fed hormones ever but if an animal gets sick, it is given antibiotics to get well. During that time, the milk from that animal is never used in the production of cheese but because of the administration of antibiotics, his cheeses are not able to be labeled organic. 



My kids love going to the farmer's market to see what's in season and to have little snacks along the way. On our most recent visit, the kids and I devoured over a pound of sugar snap peas and a pint of super sweet tiny strawberries. 


Here's just a small sampling of our farmer's market bounty. I'm going to use the rosemary later this week to season a white bean salad with roasted garlic. We'll fly through those eggs in a day or two (most likely scrambled) and the rest of the produce will be eaten raw. It's really hot outside today so I'm particularly excited to have fresh, wonderful foods that don't require my oven. 

Kids Will Be Kids. And Parents Are Tired. It's Natural.

I have that *tired* look. You know the one. I'm going on months of an empty fuel tank here. Having an infant, two kids, a husband and a job is no joke. Lucky for me, I have always been able to function pretty well with very little sleep, or with interrupted sleep. Unfortunately, my brain hasn't sent the message to my face.
My mom slogs through traffic once a week to come spend time with my kids – a treat for all of us! Last week I guess I looked particularly exhausted and she suggested that we go out to dinner and not deal with the mess of cooking and serving dinner with kids. "I can't," I told her. "It's more stressful to deal with the unknowns of the restaurant." Anyone who has kids under a certain age knows what I'm talking about. My son doesn't like cheese or anything with a crust. My daughter loves cheese, likes crust but really just wants to read her books. My infant sometimes has incredibly loud crying fits as she's trying to settle down for a nap. My older two sometimes get along famously and sometimes scream at each other at the top of their lungs. Sometimes it's hard to tell those two things apart. Something spills at least once a day in my house (today it was applesauce for my son and yogurt for my daughter). This is where we are now and I accept it wholeheartedly at home. And while I'd love to be able to casually saunter into a restaurant with my brood and not get stressed out when my kids act, well, age appropriately, it's easier for me to shrug it off at the beginning of the day than at the end of it. (Brunch is surely designed for families!) Funny enough, my kids are pretty mellow. But parenting is hard nonetheless.  
I loved this article in The Motherlode about well-behaved kids and restaurants. Would a discount encourage me to "train" my kids to be better behaved in a restaurant? No. It's not that I'm some lazy parent who is abandoning all responsibility. It's that my kids are young. I think life would be a lot harder if I expected them to act like soldiers. It would certainly cause my face to look even more tired, which is totally unacceptable. I'm trying my best here.  

Roasted Purple Cabbage and Sweet Potato Chips
Roasted Purple Cabbage and Sweet Potato Chips

So I cooked at home. I'm roasting everything in the oven these days and this roasted purple cabbage was an experiment - one that went over big with both of my kids. Look at that amazing purple color! It was paired with roasted sweet potato "chips" and roasted chicken drumsticks (with the potato peel and the chicken skin removed for my "crust"-averse son). Here's my point: if you're tired and you need a break but the thought of going out to eat doesn't really sound like a break, look in your fridge, slice what you've got, drizzle with olive oil and roast at 375. You won't go wrong. Time passes and kids grow into different phases. For now, accept where you are and make the best of it. May the force be with you.